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Úvodní stránkaNewsResult sheet of the competition from 29 October 2023

3. 12. 2023

Result sheet of the competition from 29 October 2023

3rd International Zdeněk Fibich Competition in Composition of Melodrama

1st prize – not awarded
2nd prize – Albert Pechman: Dojení (Milking)
3rd prize – Peter Jantoščiak: Noci a dni (Nights and Days), Daniel Poledňák: Samomluvy (Soliloquy), Michaela Augustinová: Z názorů kočky (From the cat’s point of view)

Prize of the Artists – Daniel Poledňák: Samomluvy (Soliloquy)
Prize of the Audience – Peter Jantoščiak: Noci a dni (Nights and Days)

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