28. 2. 2022
On Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 7.30 pm, melodramas by young composers awarded in the 2nd International Competition of Z. Fibich in the composition of melodrama 2021 will be presented in the Prague Atrium (Čajkovského 12 / 12a, Prague 3). Works by K. Trojanová, O. Jírový, D Poledňák, M. Augustinová and M. Karpilovskij, supplemented by a melodrama of an experienced author J. Vičar performed by reciters Marta Hrachovinová, Filip Sychra and pianist Jiří Pešek, will be confronted with melodramas by the founder of the Czech melodrama Z. Fibich performed by the same reciters and pianist D. Wiesner. The concert will feature a mini-discussion with a melodrama director, musicologist Věra Šustíková.