6. 1. 2021
From the spring prologue of the festival, the Chamber Concert of Melodramas and Songs took place on March 3, 2020 in the Pilsen House of Music. The concert was extremely attended. The international musicological conference “Zdeněk Fibich, professional forms of the composer” had to be moved to autumn (September 21 – 23, 2020) and it took place in a limited regime, but still in full-time form, including the presentation of the Czech version of the melodrama by Richard Strauss: Enoch Arden performed by Jaromír Meduna and Miroslav Sekera and directed by Věra. Šustíková. Foreign participants presented their contributions online.
The Melodrama Chamber Concert of Three Centuries has been moved to the autumn term (September 17, 2020). The large hall of the Nuselská Town Hall made it possible to meet all hygienic measures, so the concert took place in its full version. Even the designed autumn programs failed to take place on the planned dates. The congratulatory program for the jubilee of Soňa Červená took place in an amended form on December 19, 2020 in order to comply with all anti-coronavirus measures.
The main program of the 23rd Melodramfest – the staging and concert performance of Part 1 of Fibich’s and Vrchlický’s Hippodamia – Námluvy Pelopovy – for the first time according to the critical edition of the libretto, which was to take place on Sunday December 6, 2020 at the Prague Conservatory, was broadcast on the same day as a stream, without the attendance of spectators.