4. 11. 2021
The expert jury of the 1st round of the competition including: Prof. Jiří Bezděk, Ph.D. Ivan Kurz, doc. Věra Šustíková recommended 10 melodramas from the 15 anonymous works entered in the final round.
The expert jury of the 2nd round of the competition composed of: Prof. Jiří Bezděk, Ph.D. Vladimir Franz, Prof. Dagmar Mocná, Václav Špíral and Mgr. Pavel Trojan, after a live performance of all 10 final compositions on 31 October, 2021 in the HAMU Gallery, awarded a total of 5 compositions.
After disclosure of the authors took place, the main prizes of the competition were divided as follows:
1st prize: Mark Karpilovskij for melodrama Letters of Jan Prouza (to the text by Josef Škvorecký)
2nd prize: Daniel Poledňák for the melodrama Illness (on the text by Josef Hora) and Michaela Augustinová for the melodrama Television (to the text by Květoslava Orange)
3rd prize: Kateřina Trojanová for the cycle of melodramas Months (on the poems by Karel Toman) and Ondřej Jírový for the melodrama Ústřiček’s Sad Death (on the translation of Tim Burton’s text)
The performers of the 2nd round of the competition composed of: Marta Hrachovinová – recitation, Filip Sychra – recitation, Jiří Pešek – piano, Věra Šustíková – director, awarded their own awards from an interpretive point of view.
Jan Vičar received the Performers’ Award for the melodrama True and False (on his own text).
The present audience also voted on the most impressive composition of the evening.
The Audience Award went to Daniel Poledňák for the melodrama Illness (on the text by Josef Hora).
The main financial prizes were donated by the Life of an Artist Foundation, other prizes were donated by the Zdeněk Fibich Society.