Other activities of Zdeněk Fibich Society

Úvodní stránkaOther activities of Zdeněk Fibich Society

Creative workshops in Czech Museum of Music

The Zdeněk Fibich Society organizes Creative Melodrama Workshops for individual candidates and groups (schools) in the Czech Museum of Music, where they can try out recitation of melodrama under the guidance of experienced lecturers. Admission is CZK 50 / person. Dates by appointment at +420 257 257 734.

Lectures, seminars, workshops and other events of SZF

The Zdeněk Fibich Society organizes lectures, seminars and discussions about melodrama and its interpretation, workshops and performances for those interested. Place and time by appointment on +420 257 257 734.

Melodrama concerts

The Zdeněk Fibich Society offers to other organizers cooperation in realization of concerts focusing on melodrama.

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